Italian Word of the Day: Svago (diversion / amusement)

Svago is a very useful Italian noun that refers the act of stepping away from a job or an occupation for the sole purpose of relaxation. Although we don’t have a noun in English that corresponds perfectly to svago, a few close translations include diversion, relaxation, distraction, recreation and leisure.

/ṣvà·go/ – [ˈzvago]
italian word svago

The verb from which it derives, svagarsi, can be translated as to take one’s mind off (something) or to distract / divert oneself.

Svago is a masculine noun whose definite and indefinite articles are as follows:

  • lo svago
  • gli svaghi
  • uno svago
  • degli svaghi

Voglio prendermi qualche giorno di svago.

I want to take a few days off work to relax.

Un social dovrebbe essere usato come svago o come strumento istruttivo, non come mezzo per sfogare le proprie frustrazioni.

A social network should be used as a form of recreation or an educational tool, not as a means to vent one’s frustrations.

a woman's arm with a glass of red wine in her hand
Mi prendo un po’ di svago = I’m taking some time to relax

Svago can also be used to refer to the very things that allow us to relax. In this case, the best translations include entertainment, amusement or things to do.

In questa città ci sono pochi svaghi per i giovani.

There isn’t much to do in this city for young people.
(lit. In this city there are few amusements for young people.)

Someone who is svagato, on the other hand, can be described as being absent-minded, or having their head in the clouds.

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