How to Say “I love you!” in Italian – Ti amo!

We’ve already talked about the word amore, so now it’s time to write about one of the most important expressions in any language to communicate your love for someone else. I love you translates to Ti amo in Italian. Learn with our video Naturally it is most common to use this phrase with your boy/girlfriend, …

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Italian Word of the Day: Buffo (funny)

Buffo is a wonderfully useful adjective that means funny, amusing or odd in English. Below are the masculine, feminine and plural forms: It is almost always used to describe someone or something that makes you smile or laugh, or that you find ironic or peculiar. Quel pagliaccio è molto buffo. Mi fa morire dal ridere! …

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Italian Word of the Day: Re (king)

The very last king to rule Italy was Umberto II of the House of Savoy. Immediately following the 1946 referendum to abolish the monarchy and the transformation of Italy into a republic, he was exiled to Cascais on the Portuguese Riviera, having reigned for a mere 34 days. Umberto II’s departure marked the end of …

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Italian Word of the Day: Nonno (grandfather)

We already covered how to say “grandma” (nonna) in a previous article, so now it’s time to talk about the other half of the grandparent team! The most common way to say grandpa or grandfather in Italian is nonno (plural: nonni which can mean either grandpas or grandparents). Your paternal grandfather is your nonno paterno …

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Italian Word of the Day: Essere (to be)

One of the first verbs all serious learners must master in Italian is essere which is the infinitive verb for to be or to exist. Because it is an irregular verb, it isn’t as easy to conjugate as regular -are, -ire and -ere verbs such as mangiare (to eat), venire (to come), and vedere (to …

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Italian Word of the Day: Mangiare (to eat)

Eating in Italy is so much more than just ingesting food. It is about friends, family, generosity, being with the people you love, sharing happiness and creating important moments together. It is a celebration of the ordinary around a table of good food. One of my fondest memories of eating in Italy is from a …

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