Italian Word of the Day: Formicolio (swarm / pins and needles)

Formicolio is the word in Italian for both swarm and pins and needles.

italian for pins and needles

Being a masculine noun, it takes the following definite and indefinite articles:

  • il formicolio
  • i formicolii
  • un formicolio
  • dei formicolii

Before we attempt to explain the two very different meanings associated with this word, it is important to touch briefly upon its etymology. Formicolio can be traced back to the word formicola / formica, both of which mean mean “ant”.

red ant on a leaf

If ants are known for one thing, it is their tendency to swarm, either during mating season and to collect food for the colony. This is where the first meaning for formicolio comes from, although it is mostly used to talk about swarms of people rather than ants or other insects.

C’era un formicolio di persone che correvano in tutte le direzioni.

There was a swarm of people running in all directions.

A crowd of people outdoors
Un formicolio di gente = A swarm of people

The second meaning, which is arguably more common in everyday speech, is pins and needles. The allusion is obvious: the sensation of your limbs falling asleep is comparable to ants crawling all over your skin.

You can use the following expressions to describe the sensation:

  • avere un formicolio = to have pins and needles
  • mi è venuto un formicolio al braccio = I got pins and needles in my arm

Stamattina ho avuto un formicolio alle gambe mentre ero seduto.

This morning I had pins and needles in my legs while I was sitting.

Some possible synonyms for avere un formicolio include:

  • informicolirsi (or informicolarsi) = the verb equivalent
  • avere un/una (body part) addormentato/a = literally “to have a (body part) that’s asleep” – similar to the English “my (body part) has fallen asleep”
  • avere le formiche (colloquial) = you can use the actual word for “ants” instead of formicolio
Female massaging ankle barefoot with hurting leg after wearing shoes on high heels all day. Tired businesswoman taking off footwear standing bare on floor trying to feel pain relief in foot and ankle
Ho le formiche ai piedi! = I have pins and needles in my foot!

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