Italian Word of the Day: Domani (tomorrow)

The Italian word domani (tomorrow in English) comes from the Latin de mane whose rough translation is starting from the morning.

italian word for tomorrow

Domani can be paired with different words that denote the time of day:

  • domani mattina (or domattina) = tomorrow morning
  • domani pomeriggio = tomorrow afternoon
  • domani sera = tomorrow evening
  • domani notte = tomorrow night

Domani sera vado da un amico per una cena.

Tomorrow evening I’m going to a friend’s house for a dinner.

Empty bench with sunset in the background
Il sole tramonta. Domani sarà un altro giorno. = The sun sets. Tomorrow will be another day.

The expression the day after tomorrow can be conveyed using two terms in Italian: the common and colloquial dopodomani (literally “after tomorrow“) and the literary posdomani. A third expression doman l’altro also exists but it is rarely used these days.

Dopodomani è il compleanno di Sara!

The day after tomorrow is Sara’s birthday!

Two expressions Italians frequently use to close a conversation are Ci vediamo domani! (See you tomorrow!) and A domani! (Until tomorrow!) If you’re interested, you can see our full list of ways to say goodbye in Italian here.

If you find yourself confusing the similar sounding un domani and indomani, you’re not alone! The former means someday whereas the latter translates as the next day or the following day.

Un domani spero di diventare papà.

Someday I hope to become a dad.

Lui non potrà andare da nessuna parte fino all’indomani.

He won’t be able to go anywhere until the following day.

Unlike the word tomorrow, domani can also function as a more poetic way of saying future (futuro) in Italian. In this sense, it is often used as a noun preceded by the definite article il.

Goditi la vita perché il domani è incerto.

Enjoy life because the future is uncertain.

Expressions featuring the word ‘domani’

Meglio un uovo oggi che una gallina domani

Literal meaning: Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow
English translation: a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

Dall’oggi al domani

Literal meaning: From today to tomorrow
English translation: without warning, quickly, suddenly

Oggi o domani

Literal meaning: today or tomorrow
English translation: sometime or another

Oggi a me, domani a te

Literal meaning: today to me, tomorrow to you
English translation: the misfortunes that happen to us can also happen to those who rejoice in those misfortunes

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