The start of the New Year (anno nuovo) is typically when many people tend to make a list of resolutions (buoni propositi) for the following year. By taking stock of what worked during the previous year, we are able to set goals for the next.
Resolutions can be as simple as trying to lose weight or save money, or more specific, such as learning a new craft or in the case of anyone reading this blog, taking their Italian language skills to the next level!
In this article, you will find fifty of the most common New Year’s resolutions in Italian for 2022. Obviously it would be madness to try and put all 50 of them into practice so just focus on two or three that you feel you can achieve.
1. Dimagrire / Mangiare meno
English meaning: to lose weight / eat less
2. Mettersi in forma / Fare più esercizio fisico
English meaning: to get fit / to do more physical exercise
3. Bere meno alcol
English meaning: to drink less alcohol
4. Mangiare meglio
English meaning: to eat better
5. Smettere di fumare
English meaning: to quit smoking
6. Saldare tutti i debiti
English meaning: to get out of debt
7. Risparmiare più soldi
English meaning: to save more money
8. Trovare un lavoro migliore
English meaning: to find a better job
9. Passare più tempo con la famiglia
English meaning: to spend more time with the family
10. Fare delle nuove amicizie
English meaning: to make new friends
11. Passare meno tempo sui social
English meaning: to spend less time on social media
12. Mettersi in proprio
English meaning: to start up your own business
13. Essere più responsabile nei confronti dell’ambiente
English meaning: to be more environmentally responsible
14. Dare in beneficenza
English meaning: to give to charity
15. Continuare a studiare
English meaning: to get a better education
16. Leggere più libri
English meaning: to read more books
17. Ridurre lo stress / Imparare a rilassarsi
English meaning: to reduce stress / to learn to relax
18. Migliorare i voti a scuola
English meaning: to get better grades at school
19. Imparare qualcosa di nuovo
English meaning: to learn something new
20. Eliminare un brutto vizio
English meaning: to get rid of a bad habit
21. Fare volontariato per aiutare il prossimo
English meaning: to volunteer to help people
22. Sposarsi / Sistemarsi con qualcuno
English meaning: to get married / settle down with someone
23. Fare un figlio
English meaning: to have a child
24. Migliorare il rapporto con le persone
English meaning: to improve your relationship with people
25. Fare pace con qualcuno
English meaning: to make up with someone
26. Passare più tempo nella natura
English meaning: to spend more time in nature
27. Essere più spirituale / religioso
English meaning: to be more spiritual / religious
28. Pregare più spesso
English meaning: to pray more often
29. Essere più bravo a gestire il tempo
English meaning: to manage your time better
30. Essere più deciso
English meaning: to be more assertive
31. Essere più indipendente
English meaning: to be more independent
32. Ridere più spesso / Essere meno serio
English meaning: to laugh more / be less serious
33. Diventare più attivo politicamente
English meaning: to become more politically active
34. Imparare ad amare te stesso
English meaning: to learn to love yourself
35. Migliorare la propria conoscenza
English meaning: to improve one’s knowledge
36. Pensare positivo
English meaning: to think positively
37. Essere più coinvolto nella communità
English meaning: to be more involved in the community
38. Migliorare le tue abilità
English meaning: to improve your skills
39. Sprecare di meno
English meaning: to waste less
40. Essere più aperto ad idee e opinioni diverse
English meaning: to be more open to different ideas and opinions
41. Fare un viaggio
English meaning: to take a trip
42. Visitare un posto dove non sei mai stato
English meaning: to visit a place you’ve never been
43. Essere più socievole
English meaning: to be more sociable
44. Essere più paziente
English meaning: to be more patient
45. Riallacciare i rapporti con vecchi amici
English meaning: to reconnect with old friends
46. Passare meno tempo davanti alla TV / computer
English meaning: to spend less time in front of the TV / computer
47. Cucinare a casa più spesso / Mangiare meno fuori
English meaning: to cook at home more often / eat out less
48. Prendere più cura di te stesso
English meaning: to take better care of yourself
49. Dedicare più tempo a te stesso
English meaning: give yourself some “me” time
50. Vivere la vita al massimo
English meaning: to live life to the fullest
Heather Broster is a graduate with honours in linguistics from the University of Western Ontario. She is an aspiring polyglot, proficient in English and Italian, as well as Japanese, Welsh, and French to varying degrees of fluency. Originally from Toronto, Heather has resided in various countries, notably Italy for a period of six years. Her primary focus lies in the fields of language acquisition, education, and bilingual instruction.